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[09.05] Saunamaraton 2024

May 9, 2024 @ 17:30 - 20:45

ENG below ↓
Viimane lumi on sulanud ja käes on aeg kehad suveks kuumaks kütta?🥵 See tähendab vaid üht, SAUNAMARATON tuleb taas! 14 sauna, 2 rada ning orienteerumine TalTechi Campuses.🛁
Muidugi ei puudu ka auhinnad tugevamatele saunatajatele.💪🏼 Premeeritud saavad 3 parimat tiimi ning seekord on meil parima kostüümi auhindu lausa kaks, mõlema raja silmapaistvamatele.🤩
Ikka meie TalTechi Campuses!🏘️
🛁 Pange kokku 4-liikmeline tiim
🛁 Registreerimine algab 16.04 –…/1FAIpQLSemBGpAXIZhE3…/viewform
🛁 Osalustasu võistkonna kohta on 20€
🛁 Vinged kostüümid selga ja sauna!
Teile saadetakse kinnitusmeil, mis garanteerib Saunamaratonil osalemise.✅ Infomeilist leiate detailsema info ürituse ja tasumise kohta.
NB! Võistlus käib igas saunapunktis sooritatud ülesannete ning mängude peale! Tegemist pole saunades ajalise kestvus võistlusega!
❗️Tähelepanu, tähelepanu❗️
Peale saunatamist toimub Tudengimajas ka official afterparty mott.#8😎, kus saad kogu saunades kogutud energia korralikult maha tantsida ning sõpradega muljeid vahetada.💃🕺
Event – tuleb varsti
Hüva leili ja näeme juba varsti!
The last snow has melted and it’s time to warm up your body for the summer?🥵 This means only one thing, SAUNA MARATHON is coming again! 14 saunas, 2 tracks and orientation at the TalTech Campus.🛁
Of course, there are also prizes for the strongest participants.💪🏼 The top 3 teams will be awarded, and this time we have even two best costume awards, for the most outstanding of both tracks.🤩
Still at our TalTech Campus!🏘️
🛁 Assemble a team of 4 people
🛁 Registration starts on 16.04 –…/1FAIpQLSemBGpAXIZhE3…/viewform
🛁 The participation fee per team is €20
🛁 Put on awesome costumes and take a sauna!
You will be sent a confirmation email that guarantees participation in the Sauna Marathon.✅ You can find more detailed information about the event and payment in the information email.
NOTE! The competition is based on tasks and games completed at each sauna point! This is not a time endurance competition in saunas!
❗️Attention, attention❗️
After the sauna, there will also be an official afterparty mott.#8😎 in the Student House, where you can dance off all the energy gathered in the saunas and exchange impressions with friends.💃🕺
Event – coming soon
Have a great sauna session and see you soon!


TalTech – Tallinn University of Technology
Ehitajate street 5
Tallinn, 19086 EE
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TalTech Kultuuriklubi